What a lovely, energetic and fun time we had together in Brenda’s latest Cocktails and Coaching session. The topic for this week’s episode was Creativity and we talked about what it is, how can we capture it, how to find inspiration, how to overcome our fears and much much more.

Some of you were not able to attend live, but you are still able to catch up via the replay!


If you do not have time to listen to the full hour, the time stamps below will make it a bit easier to get directly to the various parts that may be of special interest.

Although I recommend putting your headset on and crawl up in your favorite chair and listen to the whole thing!


Welcome, introduction. Cocktails and Coaching rebranding (?!) and thoughts on stem ware.

What inspired me to make jewelry? How does it fit in with a full-time job?

Distractions that hinders creativity.

How ideas take shape.

Creativity is easy and automatic. NOT.

How to find inspiration and creativity. Where, how and when to look for it.

Creativity in other forms than art.

Letting go of the instinct to control things in the creative process

Surrender vs giving up – how to tell the difference

Examples of moments that spark creativity

What do to when you have “writers block” or running out of ideas?

Can you set a deadline for creativity?

War of Art. “Put you ass where you want your heart to be.”

Curiosity and learning new things.
Start with a feeling, not the product.

I have tons of ideas but no time. What to do?

Zero to Something is hard.
Something to Better is easier.

Fighting resistance and overcoming fear of failing.

What to do when there is panic to “come up with something quick”.

A comment from Sandra that sums it all up beautifully and final conclusion from Brenda.


Some final thoughts…

During the episode we had a conversation about the ideal time and place to feel inspired and creative.

For me it is usually in the mornings. It needs to be quiet… TV or podcasts seem to distract my thoughts, but soft background music is nice. I can’t be hungry. Talking a walk in the woods or a long run will definitely relax my brain and put me in the right frame of mind…

I am sure that the optimal creative space is very different and unique from person to person… When do you feel the most creative? Use the comments section below to share!

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